pandas apply를 사용하여 다중 컬럼(multiple columns) 만들기
2020. 6. 9. 23:43ㆍ분석 Python/Pandas Tip
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
feature = load_boston()
boston_data = pd.DataFrame( , columns=feature.feature_names)
def f(x, col1 , col2) :
x , y = x[col1] , x[col2]
plus = x+y
minus = x-y
multiply = x*y
return pd.Series([plus,minus,multiply])
from functools import partial
ff = partial(f , col1 = "CRIM", col2="RM")
boston_data[["plus","minus","multiply"]]= boston_data.apply(lambda x : ff(x),axis=1)
Add Multiple Columns to Pandas Dataframe from Function
I have a pandas data frame mydf that has two columns,and both columns are datetime datatypes: mydate and mytime. I want to add three more columns: hour, weekday, and weeknum. def getH(t): #gives ...
추가로 RAY로 연습해보기
속도에서는 의미가 없겠지만, 일단 연습...
import ray
def ray_f(x, col1 , col2) :
x , y = x[col1] , x[col2]
plus = x+y
minus = x-y
multiply = x*y
return pd.Series([plus,minus,multiply])
results = ray_f.remote(boston_data , col1 = "CRIM", col2="RM")
s = ray.get(results)
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