2020. 5. 15. 23:21ㆍ분석 Python/Scikit Learn (싸이킷런)
최근에 scikit-learn이 0.23으로 버전이 업데이트 됐다! 업데이트된 점에 정리해준 글이 있어 공유한다.
1. Python 3.6 or newer only 🐍
python 3.6 이상만 사용 가능하다!
2. Interactive pipeline graphics ⬇
pipeline을 시각화해주는 기능이 생겼다!!
저 시각화해주는 것은 html로 되어있는데 참 좋았다.
3. Poisson and gamma GLMs have arrived 🎉
linear_model.PoissonRegressor and linear_model.GammaRegressor 이 새로 나와서 이제 scipy를 쓸 필요가 없다
4. Calling fit() doesn’t show you everything 🚫
The fit() method returns the estimator you call it on. Now if you print the estimator, only the parameters that you changed from the defaults are
5. n_features_in_ shows you how many features 🔢
6. Easier sample dataset loading 🧭
pandas로 더 쉽게 만들어 주는 as_frame이 생겼다.
diabetes = load_diabetes(as_frame=True)
df_diabetes = diabetes.data
7. Avoid type hinting errors ⚠️
8. Improvements to experimental classes 🧪
HistGradientBoostingRegressor and HistGradientBoostingClassifier, the two LightGBM-inspired tree ensemble algorithms, are still experimental. They still need to be specially imported. However, they received a number of improvements. Same with IterativeImputer — it’s still experimental and has been improved.
9. Plays nicer with new pandas dtype 🐼
Version 0.23.0 — scikit-learn 0.23.0 documentation
9 Things You Should Know about Scikit-Learn 0.23 🎉
Get the lowdown on the latest version of the Python machine learning library
'분석 Python > Scikit Learn (싸이킷런)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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